Day & Time
Saturdays, 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Language is the key to understanding another culture and speaking is key to mastering a language.
You may have just arrived at OSU or been here for some time now. Do you find it difficult contributing in class or starting conversations with Americans, especially with online classes now? Do you feel nervous or shy and just don’t know what to say? Are the phrases and dialogues you used in your ESL classes back home not helping? (“Hi, how are you?”, “I am fine, how are you?”). Honestly, you’ve learned a LOT in your ESL classes, now you need to USE it! That is what the English Conversation Club is for! The ECC can help build your confidence because it goes beyond classes that teach you. It gives you the opportunity to express your thoughts, ideas, and opinions. You will use everything you have already learned in a safe and friendly environment with American volunteers who will patiently listen. Each week a different aspect of American culture will be discussed: making friends, family life, sports, humor, and holidays using both large & small group activities and games! Americans facilitate each small group. Come and meet lots of new people and develop new friendships!!
For your convenience, the English Conversation Club meets ONLINE on Saturday mornings from 10:00 am – 11:00 noon.
These sessions are for international students, visiting scholars, or their spouses who have at least an intermediate level of proficiency in English. The English language level will be high intermediate.
(Also, check out the English Conversation Club – Bible Topics for a more advanced language practice and to learn more about the Bible. Click here for more information.)